Tiered Assessment: Surface Area and Volume of Prisms sample test


volume apthem height of a pyramid

Differentiating instruction and assessment.  What if you have a student who understands all the concepts and can complete homework, but just fails all of the exams.  Most teachers say they are not studying enough.  Would you allow students to use books or notes on a quiz or test for less points?  I usually do this.  I provide sample problems for each test and provide an option of receiving a 90% highest grade total on the exam instead of 100% if they choose this version of the exam.  Here is a sample of my tiered assessment.  Tell me what you think about this.

Geometry Chapter 12 Test Solids area and volume


  • Bridgette

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    • admin

      I don’t know of any blog contests. Do you? Thank you for your nice comments. I will try to blog more. I just redesigned the site bc of a malware attack. Also, to support the course offerings for the online high school courses. Thanks Bridgette. Please register as a user.

    • admin

      thank you? any suggestions for contests i should enter bridgette?

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