How to make sure your son/daughter completes all the homework?

The best thing for parents to do to make sure things are complete are to try checking the planner if he is writing down the homework for each class.  Student must show you assignments everyday that he has completed everything before let’s say 8pm at the latest at home. This leaves time for discussion about learning objectives tomorrow at school if completion is difficult. Use positive reinforcement for completion of all assignments daily.  Check for quality of work/hand writing and completion. It was a usual pattern for me as a teacher to sign the planner that he has wrote down the homework daily, and a parent signature verifying the completion of homework to increase parental support and homework completion percentages.  If homework grades improve test scores will improve as well. This is a common process for middle school students/parents needing organization and discipline with scheduling their assignments on a calendar.  Learning expectations and routine are the number 1 priority. It is best to contact the teachers and to ask them to remind him to write down the homework and to have the student get a signature from the teacher that he has written it down correctly.  It is a common practice for parents, students, and teachers.  The trick will be trying to get more information ahead of time in respect to timing of tests, projects and homework.  It seems you are monitoring the online grade reporting well.  If there is anything that should be edited if incorrect or update faster will be the planner for him because you have access to this information through the parent portal. If the student did not write it down make him look it up.  The student will notice this is slower than doing it at school or ahead of time. But after a short amount of time the goal is to have him use the planner to write down what every assignment is everyday for every class ahead of time as much ahead of time as possible.  Any student is more than capable of meeting the learning expectations.  A student just needs us to help him routinely use the planner to guide his daily goals.  The formal way of getting this done is through the high school counselor. Usually, if it gets worse it becomes a formal contract.  This was a formal discipline plan for academics for students showing track records of not completing assignments for extended periods of time. My middle school call it a planner contract.  It is an written agreement between the teacher, counselor, parent, that all assignments be written down and verified complete by teacher/student/parent on a daily basis. If the student does not conform usual it results in detention time to make up missing assignments.  This makes the teacher/parent/student/school responsible for the learning of it’s students. If you need any help create this type of system with assistance hire a tutor to help facilitate the implementation of this plan, model it to the student, and ensure that the parent is enforcing the planner contract daily at home.  Elearnprep provides in home tutoring in Orange County, and Los Angeles.  Tutoring via video teleconferencing available worldwide as well.  Please contact us for a free consultation.


-Mr. Brian Kim, Mathematics Teacher, Principal, Educational Consultant @ eLearn Prep.



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